Vriendelijke en vakkundige tandarts
Alle tandheelkundige kennis in huis
Ruimte voor nieuwe patiënten


Address and contact details

Tandzorg Kralingen
Voorschoterlaan 31 a
3062 KG Rotterdam (route)
T: 010 – 414 2248
E: info@tandzorgkralingen.nl

Opening hours

Monday: 8:15 am - 5:00
Tuesday: 8:15 am - 5:00
Wednesday: 8:15 am - 5:00
Thursday: 8:15 am - 5:00
Friday: 8:15 am - 5:00
Saturday: On appointment
Sunday: Closed


Calculate your route to our practice via the map below or go to the route description.

Contact form

Fill in the contact form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

E-mail address*
Phone number*